Andy Black heads the Association of Oil Pipe Lines, an industry group whose members include pipeline owners and operators. 安迪黑头石油管道协会,一个行业组织,其成员包括管道的所有者和经营者。
The old woman laughed and started smoking a short black pipe. 老妇大笑起来,开始用一个短小的黑烟斗吸烟。
A minute later, it's clear that earthmover is firing up its engine since a big, black cloud is billowing out of its skyward-pointing exhaust pipe. 稍一会后,推土机朝上的排气管翻腾出阵阵浓烟,很明显推土机发动了。
Joseph seemed sitting in a sort of elysium alone, beside a roaring fire; a quart of ale on the table near him, bristling with large pieces of toasted oatcake; and his black, short pipe in his mouth. 约瑟夫仿佛是独自坐在一种极乐世界里,在一炉熊熊燃烧的火边;他旁边的桌子上有一杯麦酒,里面竖着大块的烤麦饼;他嘴里衔着他那黑而短的烟斗。
Mainly used in pipe, bar the correction of curvature, not only in a black metal pipe to adapt to the correct bar, but also suitable for non-ferrous metals, stainless steel tube of the correct bar. 主要用于管材、棒材弯曲度的矫正,不但适应于黑色金属管棒材的矫正,也适宜于有色金属、不锈钢材质管棒材的矫正。
Pneumatic conveying experiment is conducted for carbon black in the conveying pipe, and the conveying pressure loss is analyzed for horizontal pipe, vertical pipe and bend, and the pressure loss calculation formulas are obtained respectively for the conveying in these three pipes. 对炭黑在输送管道中进行气力输送试验,分析了其在水平管、垂直管和弯管中的输送压力损失,分别得到了在这三种输送管道中的压力损失计算公式。
With combination of bi-directional difference method and FEM, the computation and comparison analysis on cooling effect of flexible pipe and black pipe in TGP are carried out. 利用双向差分法和有限元法相结合,对三峡大坝采用软冷却水管和黑铁管的冷却效果进行了计算与对比分析。
Study on Compressor Station Operation Optimization Model Based on Black Box Method& Pipe Segment Constraint Treatment 基于黑箱方法的压气站运行优化模型研究&管段约束处理方法研究
The formulas can be used as empirical formulas for the analysis of pressure loss of carbon black and gas mixture in the conveying pipe. 该公式可作为工程上分析炭黑与气体混合流在输送管道中压力损失的经验公式。
Electrothermal Characteristics of HDPE/ Carbon Black Self-limited Temperature Heating Pipe 高密度聚乙烯/炭黑自限温发热管的电热特性
Study on the Ignition Abilities of Different Black Powder Grain by Low Velocity Detonation Pipe 低速爆轰管对黑火药的点传火性能研究